program ramz; uses crt,dos; const b='*'; var ccc,i,k,j,e,se:word;a:array [1..220] of string[1]; sav,s:char; pass1,pass2,pass3:string[25];c:char; f:string[25];ff:text; loc:array [1..20] of string; mm,tt:word;name,pp:string;dd:text; procedure starting; begin clrscr; writeln('*W E L C O M E T O M I S T R Y S Y S T E M*'); writeln;writeln; writeln('for enter password please: : 01'); writeln('for input string please: : 02'); writeln('for output string please: : 03'); writeln('for open you file please: : 04'); writeln('for exit please: : 05'); writeln; writeln('please enter your code:');readln(se); end; procedure g_o; begin clrscr; writeln('*W E L C O M T O H A C K S Y S T E M*'); Writeln;writeln; writeln('for exit please ---> Enter ');writeln; writeln('Enter your string');s:=readkey; i:=1; while ord(s)<>13 do begin a[i]:=s; clrscr;for j:=1 to i do write(b);writeln; writeln('Enter your string');s:=readkey; if ord(s)=8 then dec(i) else inc(i); end; clrscr; starting; end; procedure save; var bb,cc:word; begin clrscr; inc(ccc); writeln('*W E L C O M T O S A V E S Y S T E M*'); writeln;writeln; writeln('Enter name and location:'); writeln('for example c:\text.txt');writeln; readln(f); for cc:=1 to ccc do if loc[cc]=f then begin while loc[cc]=f do begin writeln('this file existence or not valid please enter a new file !'); readln(f); end; end; loc[cc]:=f; assign(ff,f); rewrite(ff); setfattr(ff,hidden); for bb:=1 to i do write(ff,a[bb]); close(ff); writeln;writeln; writeln('create your HIDDEN! file successful....please enter');readln; clrscr; starting; end; procedure op_save; begin clrscr; writeln('*W E L C O M T O O P E N S A V E F I L E S Y S T E M*'); writeln;writeln; if ccc=0 then begin writeln('you dont create a file !'); readln; clrscr; starting; end else begin writeln('for open your file please enter your password');readln(pass3); if pass3=pass1 then begin writeln; writeln('choose a file'); writeln;writeln; for tt:=1 to ccc do if loc[tt]<>'' then writeln(loc[tt]); writeln; readln(pp); for tt:=1 to ccc do if loc[tt]=pp then begin assign(dd,pp);reset(dd);writeln;writeln; while not eof(dd) do begin readln(dd,name);write(name); end; writeln;writeln;writeln; writeln('for enter agian please : 01'); writeln('for exit system please : 02'); readln(mm); case mm of 01:begin clrscr;op_save; end; 02:begin clrscr;starting; end; end; end; end; end; end; procedure ug_o; begin clrscr; writeln('*W E L C O M T O U N H A C K S Y S T E M*'); writeln;writeln; if pass1='' then begin writeln('you dont have password !'); writeln('please go to menu and create a new password'); readln; starting; end else begin writeln('for un hack your string please enter your password');readln(pass3); if pass3=pass1 then begin writeln; writeln('your string is:');writeln; for k:=1 to i do write(a[k]); writeln;writeln;writeln; writeln('Do you want to save your string?'); writeln('please push (Y or N) :');sav:=readkey; if sav='y' then begin clrscr;save; end else begin clrscr; starting; end; end; end; end; procedure p_s; var pa:word;ll,l:BYTE; begin clrscr; writeln('*W E L C O M T O P A S S W O R D S Y S T E M*'); writeln;writeln; if pass1='' then begin writeln('enter your new password'); c:=readkey; l:=1; while (c<>'')and(ord(c)<>13) do begin clrscr;for ll:=1 to l do write(b);;writeln; pass1:=concat(pass1,c);if ord(c)=8 then dec(l) else inc(l); writeln('enter your new password');c:=readkey; end; clrscr; writeln; writeln('enter your config password'); c:=readkey; pass2:=''; l:=1; while (c<>'')and(ord(c)<>13) do begin clrscr;for ll:=1 to l do write(b);;writeln; pass2:=concat(pass2,c);if ord(c)=8 then dec(l) else inc(l); writeln('enter your config password');c:=readkey; end; if pass1<>pass2 then begin writeln; writeln('error ! new pass <> config pass'); readln; pass1:='';pass2:=''; clrscr; starting; end; end else begin writeln('if you want to change your password please: : 01'); writeln('if you want to exit password system please: : 02'); readln(pa); clrscr; case pa of 01:begin writeln('enter old password');readln(pass3); if pass3=pass1 then begin pass1:=''; pass3:=''; writeln('Enter new passwords'); c:=readkey; l:=1; while (c<>'')and(ord(c)<>13) do begin clrscr;for ll:=1 to l do write(b);writeln; pass1:=concat(pass1,c);if ord(c)=8 then dec(l) else inc(l); writeln('enter your new password');c:=readkey; end; clrscr; writeln; writeln('enter your config password'); c:=readkey; l:=1; pass2:=''; while (c<>'')and(ord(c)<>13) do begin clrscr;for ll:=1 to l do write(b);writeln; pass2:=concat(pass2,c);if ord(c)=8 then dec(l) else inc(l); writeln('enter your config password');c:=readkey; end; if pass1<>pass2 then begin writeln('error ! new pass <> config pass'); readln; pass1:='';pass2:=''; clrscr; starting; end; end; end; 02:begin clrscr; starting; end; end; end; end; procedure afterstarting; begin case se of 02: g_o; 03: ug_o; 05: E:=1; 01: p_s; 04: op_save else begin writeln('* With Code: ',se,' We Dont Have Service!!!');readln; starting; end; end; end; begin clrscr; starting; E:=0; ccc:=0; while E<>1 do afterstarting; if E=1 then begin clrscr; gotoxy(29,1); writeln('THIS PROGRAM CREATED BY:'); gotoxy(29,2); writeln('* AHURA HAMUN *'); gotoxy(40,3); readln; end; end.